Monday, July 19, 2010

Trying this again...

I am somewhat new to the blogging world. Everyone tells me I should blog, but my first thought is, when? The only time I have to myself is usually in the shower. Even then I have Gabe asking me for apple juice and Aidan screaming for a bottle....or screaming because Gabe has attacked!!! I have tried blogging once before, but now with two little one's and lots happening in my life..I want to document every moment! I was inspired by a blog by Kelle Hampton. I have no clue who she is personally but I feel like I do! Her story is phenomenal!

Where do I start....This has been my second year teaching and I absolutely love it! My first year I taught in a private school and was not paid thru the summer however this year I was at Little Rock School District and my contract pays me all year round. This allowed me to do alot more with my family that we did not have the money for last year. I really consider this as my first year for lots of reasons. The reason I am saying all this is because this is the first year I have been able to sit back and enjoy one of the luxuries of being a teacher...SUMMERS OFF!!!

Aidan was born in January and Gabe was 2 in April, so needless to say Seth and I have had our hands full! The first two months we
re terrible!!! Gabe has now adjusted to life with a little brother and loves to entertain him on a daily basis. I have really enjoyed my time off with my boys. I am getting to experience some of Aidan's "firsts" and I love seeing him do new things. I am pretty sure he will be crawling before I go back to school. On the other hand, Gabe is in the process of being potty trained and has for a long time now. This week we are doing straight undies!!!! So far it is not going well. When he is in a pull up he will tell me when he needs to go...there is just something different about tighty whities!!!

I look forward to documenting my journey of motherhood! M
y boys are so precious to me I don't want to miss a single time! Here are several pictures I have taken over the summer. There will be many more to come!

Swimming Lessons July 2010

Gabe has AT LEAST 2 baths a day!

I love these dirty feet!!!

Alligator Farm July 2010

Playing in the Jungle Gym with dad

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